Telescopic Doorway Pull-up Bar



Expandable bar is a great way to develop the muscles of the arms and back. Pulling up also allows you to exercise the muscles of the legs and abdomen and strengthen the tendons and ligaments, which, combined with the compact dimensions, means that you do not need much space at home to perform a comprehensive workout.

It is adjustable from 63 to 100 cm and is wrapped with foam in the grip areas. The maximum weight of the exercising person is 100 kg.

Perfect for use with the WhiteOak Hangboard Base available on our other offer

SUGGESTIONS: our Pull-Up Bar can be used directly without screws & drilling, however, a bracket set and screws are still included for you to secure to your doorframe if needed.
SAFETY NOTE: We always recommend mount the pull-up bar on a heavy-duty doorframe

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Wszystkie zamówienia powyżej 45 zł wysyłamy za darmo, zarówno do paczkomatu jak i kurierem!

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